When Donald Trump was just a kid, no adult in his sheltered, entitled, privileged life ever taught little Donny much about morals or lessons on how to function in a society. No one told him no, no one called him to task for his behaviors. He damned sure wasn't taught not to lie, and he damn sure wasn't taught not to steal.
I write what I know, and the suppositions of "what if". This place incorporates the two aspects of my life: the real (or my perspective of what is "real") and the fiction. Sometimes it's profane, confusing, sad, sweet, bitter,and funny- or just plain boring and stupid, all at the same time, but it's mine. Teacher, writer, amateur bass player, observer of the world.. One other thing: My dad passed away August 15, 2013 from Alzheimer's. I hate Alzheimer's.
How I Deal with Life.....

Tuesday, November 26, 2024
Hold on to your seats, folks
Sunday, October 27, 2024
The Very Bad, No Good, Weird Year and a Half.
My husband told me tonight, "You haven't made a post on your blog in a while. Why not?" Well, it's been a very weird year and a half.
In March 2023 my colon ruptured and I needed emergency surgery. I had over 12 inches of intestines removed. The entire experience was made even more difficult by a family member who didn't want to honor my request for no visitors while I was in the hospital. The pain when I woke up from surgery was unbelievable in its scope, and I had an ostomy that I had no clue how to care for. Imagine waking up to discover that you've been gutted like a Sunday fish and that you have an attached bag that collects all your defecations on the outside of your body. Now imagine someone wanting to visit while you're in that condition, and when you say, "No," they become upset and then tell you that their pastor is going to come visit. First, the pastor isn't MY pastor and second, I'm a nonbeliever and I barely know him. I should have let him visit and had my blindingly white ass cheeks sticking out of my gown and made sure my ostomy bag was leaking. The experience humbled me in many ways and also allowed me to shift through what is important and what isn't. My boundaries are important.
I had the ostomy reversed in July 2023, but I'm still having some issues. I having a colonoscopy done on Halloween. I'm dressing up like a Queen (I have a tiara and hot pink boa) for the procedure and I'm writing on my bare butt cheek in Sharpie, "Be Careful" and on the other butt cheek, "Shallow, Not as Deep as it Appears." So, that was the very bad, no good, weird year and half.
But good things did happen: my youngest son was married in a lovely ceremony to a woman who is just perfect for him, and my other two kids are kicking ass in this thing called life. They all three are. And the grandkids are also holding their own and learning and growing and are healthy. And what more could a mom/grandmother ask for?
I saw Buddy Guy perform in September 2023 and I saw Barenaked Ladies perform this past Friday night. Music heals. There is still a stack of books on my TO READ list and a ton of books that sit in bookstores waiting for me to buy. Some of the most memorable reads of the past year and a half are "Tender is the Flesh," "Fourteen Days," Demon Copperhead, "A Cloud Shaped Girl, "When Women Were Dragons," and "The Class of '65."
When I revisit this blog again, the election will have been decided and all I can hope for is that we retain intact our Constitution, that a repeat of Jan 6th isn't replayed, that women's rights and LGBTQ rights are enshrined into federal law, that big money corporations are made to start paying their fair share in taxes (I'm looking at you Amazon, FedEx, Bank Of America, Citigroup, HP, Walmart, and Google), that healthcare for all Americans is made available, that the wars in Ukraine (Slava Ukrani!) and Gaza end, and that every human in the U.S and beyond is treated with dignity and respect. When a presidential candidate says at a rally, "On day one I will launch the largest deportation program in American history. I will rescue every city and town that has been invaded and conquered," and calls immigrants "blood thirsty and vicious" then it's time to question the morality and values of that candidate (And yes, that was said at Madison Square Garden tonight). A person who views anyone who is not like themselves as "other," will one day see you and me as "other." And that can't be allowed to stand ever again.
Also, I'm re-reading "The Stand" by Stephen King for the ninth time. Happy Almost Halloween and Colonoscopy Day!!