When Donald Trump was just a kid, no adult in his sheltered, entitled, privileged life ever taught little Donny much about morals or lessons on how to function in a society. No one told him no, no one called him to task for his behaviors. He damned sure wasn't taught not to lie, and he damn sure wasn't taught not to steal.
The Voices in My Head
I write what I know, and the suppositions of "what if". This place incorporates the two aspects of my life: the real (or my perspective of what is "real") and the fiction. Sometimes it's profane, confusing, sad, sweet, bitter,and funny- or just plain boring and stupid, all at the same time, but it's mine. Teacher, writer, amateur bass player, observer of the world.. One other thing: My dad passed away August 15, 2013 from Alzheimer's. I hate Alzheimer's.
How I Deal with Life.....

Tuesday, November 26, 2024
Hold on to your seats, folks
Sunday, October 27, 2024
The Very Bad, No Good, Weird Year and a Half.
My husband told me tonight, "You haven't made a post on your blog in a while. Why not?" Well, it's been a very weird year and a half.
In March 2023 my colon ruptured and I needed emergency surgery. I had over 12 inches of intestines removed. The entire experience was made even more difficult by a family member who didn't want to honor my request for no visitors while I was in the hospital. The pain when I woke up from surgery was unbelievable in its scope, and I had an ostomy that I had no clue how to care for. Imagine waking up to discover that you've been gutted like a Sunday fish and that you have an attached bag that collects all your defecations on the outside of your body. Now imagine someone wanting to visit while you're in that condition, and when you say, "No," they become upset and then tell you that their pastor is going to come visit. First, the pastor isn't MY pastor and second, I'm a nonbeliever and I barely know him. I should have let him visit and had my blindingly white ass cheeks sticking out of my gown and made sure my ostomy bag was leaking. The experience humbled me in many ways and also allowed me to shift through what is important and what isn't. My boundaries are important.
I had the ostomy reversed in July 2023, but I'm still having some issues. I having a colonoscopy done on Halloween. I'm dressing up like a Queen (I have a tiara and hot pink boa) for the procedure and I'm writing on my bare butt cheek in Sharpie, "Be Careful" and on the other butt cheek, "Shallow, Not as Deep as it Appears." So, that was the very bad, no good, weird year and half.
But good things did happen: my youngest son was married in a lovely ceremony to a woman who is just perfect for him, and my other two kids are kicking ass in this thing called life. They all three are. And the grandkids are also holding their own and learning and growing and are healthy. And what more could a mom/grandmother ask for?
I saw Buddy Guy perform in September 2023 and I saw Barenaked Ladies perform this past Friday night. Music heals. There is still a stack of books on my TO READ list and a ton of books that sit in bookstores waiting for me to buy. Some of the most memorable reads of the past year and a half are "Tender is the Flesh," "Fourteen Days," Demon Copperhead, "A Cloud Shaped Girl, "When Women Were Dragons," and "The Class of '65."
When I revisit this blog again, the election will have been decided and all I can hope for is that we retain intact our Constitution, that a repeat of Jan 6th isn't replayed, that women's rights and LGBTQ rights are enshrined into federal law, that big money corporations are made to start paying their fair share in taxes (I'm looking at you Amazon, FedEx, Bank Of America, Citigroup, HP, Walmart, and Google), that healthcare for all Americans is made available, that the wars in Ukraine (Slava Ukrani!) and Gaza end, and that every human in the U.S and beyond is treated with dignity and respect. When a presidential candidate says at a rally, "On day one I will launch the largest deportation program in American history. I will rescue every city and town that has been invaded and conquered," and calls immigrants "blood thirsty and vicious" then it's time to question the morality and values of that candidate (And yes, that was said at Madison Square Garden tonight). A person who views anyone who is not like themselves as "other," will one day see you and me as "other." And that can't be allowed to stand ever again.
Also, I'm re-reading "The Stand" by Stephen King for the ninth time. Happy Almost Halloween and Colonoscopy Day!!
Thursday, February 3, 2022
No, You Don't Know Him.
Every time I think I’ve been able to put it behind me, it rears
it ugly head and bites me again. Yesterday an arrest warrant was taken out for
my small town sheriff for sexual battery on a prominent
I thought I knew male members of my own family too, but two of them sexually molested two minor family members, and half of my family won’t even admit that it happened, even though one of predators (and yes, he groomed an underage girl for years so he’s a predator) tearfully begged me to forgive him and, “Please, don’t tell my wife.” He had no concern for his victim, just himself. The half of my family that thinks that my not wanting to be around this predatory family member is just because of politics can kiss my pale behind. Every time I read about a man doing something like my sheriff is accused of doing, I get angry. I know how many women and girls aren’t believed and I know what they have to live with. Every time I hear women denying that sexual assault happened to other women, it cuts me to my heart. If women can’t even support their fellow sisters, what is to happen to us?
Let justice play out, but if my sheriff is guilty, hold him accountable. And don’t make excuses for him because “I know him so well.” No, you don’t. That's not a defense.
Sunday, November 7, 2021
The Times They Are A'Changin'
My twelve year old granddaughter and I are several generations apart. She begs for Roblox gift cards and spends her days in worlds of her own creation. She’s boujee and frenetic and carefree. She dances and throws her arms with abandon. And she wears Mom jeans.
My teen years in the 70s, with its free love and marijuana smoke hanging heavy over concert venues while cops just winked at us as we toked, were just as carefree, but thankfully Mom jean free. AC/DC sang about wet patches on seats, Fleetwood Mac’s Gold Dust Woman addressed drugs, Rush sang about dystopian futures, Ted Nugent growled about Wang Dang Sweet Poontang, and REO Speedwagon sang about a barely legal teenage girl. We sang loudly and didn't give one thought to what the lyrics meant. It was only decades later that I realized what these songs were really about.
Then the 80s exploded and sexual lyrics became even more overt (or maybe I was just noticing more). Women started singing about sex right along with the men. Madonna sang about being like a virgin and Pat Benatar challenged men to hit her with their best shot, and Joan Jett owned her Bad Reputation. There was sweet romance with Heart and clean good fun with the Go Gos. We were Footloose looking over our shoulder for that Man Eater or those Betty Davis Eyes while Simple Minds reminded us, “Don’t Forget About Me.” The Police glorified stalking with Every Step You Take and we sang along at the top of our lungs. Boy George moaned, Do You Really Want to Hurt Me and we felt the pangs of broken romance to the core of our young wounded hearts. While this music was blossoming and booming I was in my early twenties, just starting my life with a clean slate and a fresh optimistic view of the future and of my role in the world.
That was almost forty years ago. I’m now a bit jaded and suspicious and careful. My heart has been broken so many times it has deep fissure cracks in it and I don’t trust as easily as I once did. I walk in a mine field in a society molded by social media that has us grappling with politics and religion and justice and equality and truth. A world where science isn’t real, families are divided, a pandemic has killed over five million people worldwide in a little over a year and a half, cops kill young black men with impunity, disillusioned fear soaked people storm our Capitol building in D.C to overturn an election, people attack flight attendants on planes, conspiracy theories leave us reeling, and we’re split into our own insular communities that internet algorithms have created. A Brave New World.
I still listen to 80s music so I can re-live a time when worries were fewer and the future was secure with hard work and hope. Meanwhile, my aforementioned twelve year old granddaughter skips down the road on our walk to the store singing loudly, “I always feel like somebody’s watching me!” a song released in 1984 by one hit wonder band Rockwell. 1984, the year I became a mom for the first time and my rose colored glasses began to slip. "Yes, baby," I want to tell my granddaughter as she skips gleefully, “they are watching you. So be very careful, but meanwhile dance, dance, dance! And don’t listen to W.A.P until you’re old enough to understand it."
Monday, March 1, 2021
Insanity: AIDS vs Covid Response
I’m re-reading the book “And the Band Played On” by Randy Shilts about the AIDS crises in the 1980s and it’s bringing back memories of that time. It’s also showing me that we haven’t learned much, which is why the Covid response has been so scattered and ineffective.
We’ve heard the same “my rights” arguments about closing establishments and wearing masks in public since March 2020. Money over public health. “My rights’ over public health. I thought we’d be able to put that thinking behind us by learning from the mistakes that were made during the AIDS crises, and that we would be mature and responsible and concentrate on the health issues and not the “my rights” issues, but sadly I was wrong. When a government doesn’t take responsibility for a health crises and give needed assistance to the people and the economy, we break under the non-responses. Our elected leaders have to take the lead, and the sitting U.S presidents during the start of the AIDS crises and the Covid pandemic did not lead.
When we don’t embrace the fact that we have a societal obligation to one another and that no person is an island unto themselves, we’ll keep fucking up our responses to major epidemics and pandemics. Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. Reagan and Trump both took the wrong page out of the playbook. I only hope future administrations that deal with the next pandemic (and there will be another one) burn that page and that people start seeing this country as a collective of people whose behaviors impact one another and not separate islands of “my rights.”
As of this writing there have been 513,821 U.S Covid deaths, and still counting...
Wednesday, January 20, 2021
My Country 'Tis of Thee
This day is a new start for me and my country, Americans and non-Americans alike. A day of renewed hope, a day to repair the many principles and norms that were broken over the past four years, a day to reassess, to rededicate ourselves to the principles of what it means to be an American, what it means to be a country, a democracy. After four years of being dragged daily through hate, uncertainty, and temper tantrums, today couldn’t come soon enough. We are bruised and battered, but we are not down and out. 45 did not destroy us. What he did was expose white supremacy and hate in all its forms. He showed us what lurks in the souls of men (and women) and now as we move forward it is not our job to excuse or ignore that white supremacy and hate, but to defeat it with common sense love, compassion and strength. There can be no healing without justice and accountability.
Like roaches that scuttled out of the dark crevices during 45’s administration, we must squash the hate and division with our boot heel and make certain that never again are they allowed to threaten our democracy and our forefathers’ vision for this country. We must be better. We must not ever again allow division of our country based on color, race, religion, sexual orientation, or sexual identity. Every one of us, rather we live on the shores of Oregon, the rich lands of California, the sprawling Midwest plains, the heat and music drenched south, or in our glittering cities on the hills, is an American, and as such it is our responsibility to safeguard what we have been gifted and never ever allow another four years to happen like we just lived through.
It is time
to break the chains that corporate America has on working Americans because those
Americans: the truck drivers, the military, the teachers, the fast food
workers, the nurses, the lawn care crews, the factory workers are what keep
this country functioning. This nation was not founded for corporations, but for
the people. By the people, for the people. And right now people are struggling
to keep a roof over their heads, access healthcare, and buy food. People are
losing their homes. Climate change is a world emergency. Covid has decimated
the foundations of our economy. The
Education costs, housing, health care, food, have all outstripped wages. My hope is that a Biden administration will address these economic issues and more. I know that the problems can’t be fixed in four years, but we now have a spring board to create legislation and laws that will benefit the working class and not just the ones who hold the power and the money. Climate change, inequality, injustices for people of color, low wages, for-profit healthcare, and Covid-19 response are issues that won’t just go away on their own. WE have to help fix them. And we can’t become complacent again. WE cannot ever again say that our one vote doesn’t matter, because each and every vote DOES matter. Stay involved, continue to hold our elected officials accountable, be the voice you want to hear. We came far too close to our voices being silenced by the voices of hate and division. Stay alert, but be compassionate. As President Biden said today, “Our better angels have always prevailed.” Let them prevail now.
Thursday, December 31, 2020
Goodbye 2020, It's Been Real.
In 2020 we saw the theatre of a mock impeachment for a
sitting president, we witnessed a president downplay a virus and berate
scientists who warned that a pandemic was ensuing, and then we watched in
horror as Covid-19 put a stranglehold on NYC. And still our president did
little other than pontificate and bluster and make excuses and hand out false promises.
But we felt relatively safe in rural
In my little rural
This year has been defined by listening to a president deny the danger of a new virus as thousands of people kept coming down with Covid and thousands died, Tiger King binge sessions (WTF was that???), making sure I have my mask whenever I leave the house, forgoing travel to visit my sons, making sure my can of Lysol and hand sanitizer is in my car at all times, and not getting together with friends or family for holidays. On a grander scale I have watched in horror as the social fabric has been ripped by our president and white supremacist groups like the Proud Boy, a president who denies the democratic election process, economic destruction for too many middle class American families (the super wealthy are doing just fine, thankyouverymuch), and an ugly division among Americans not seen since the Civil War. History will judge this time and find us lacking in common sense and compassion. 2020 will be remembered as one long Purge movie come to life. Through a dark lens our perplexed ancestors will study us, much the same as I’ve tried to study how the world could have stood by as Hilter murdered 6 million Jews with impunity.
2021, I will not jinx you by saying that things can’t get worse than 2020, because I know that they can. I only hope, 2021, that you will be more forgiving of our human fragilities and defects and that you give us the time and space to try and set things right.
Saturday, November 7, 2020
A Letter to Trump Supporters After the AP called the election for Biden
Trump supporters, please. Let me put your mind at ease about a Biden/Harris presidency.
And your health insurance? Please. If you're paying $600.00 or more a month for private health insurance, how is paying the same amount through an exchange so EVERYONE can have health care going to hurt you? It won’t, and costs and will go down. The only ones that universal healthcare will hurt is YOUR private health insurance company and MY private health insurance company who are helping to drive up costs as I type this. They're the ones lobbying HARD against a healthcare exchange for all. They know their profits will shrink. Healthcare should NEVER be tied to profits.
Law enforcement
Public libraries
Public schools
Social security
Earned Income Tax Credit
Section 8 Housing
Housing for Persons with Disabilities (HUD)
Worker protection laws, including child labor laws
Fire departments
Pell Grants
Public water
Job Corps
Family Planning
Legal Aid Services
The electricity that comes into rural homes
National Parks
The military
Garbage pickup
Public transportation
Oh, yeah, and Climate Change? That shit is real too and human actions have sped it up exponentially.
Joe can start the bridge building process. WE can start that process, but it’s going to take everyone being informed about what is really going on. Read books. For God’s sake, just read some freaking books.
Nickel and Dimed by Barbara Ehrenreich
The American Sickness: How Healthcare Became Big Business and How You Can Take it Back by Elisabeth Rosenthal
White Fragility: Why It’s So Hard for White People to Talk About Racism by Robin Diangelo
Dark Money by Jan Mayer
With Biden as president, you won't be subjected to late night rage tweeting, watching a president suck up to dictators, sitting by as a president makes millions of personal dollars off taxpayers, hearing a president refer to people with childish schoolyard nicknames, or being slammed with headlines where a president has blasted an allied foreign head of state out of pettiness.
The wealthy will pay their fair share, minimum wage increases will mean you don't have to scrape to buy food or get a new pair of glasses, and renewable energy sources will mean JOBS! Our national forests and parks and wildlife, the shining diamonds of our country, will again be protected.
Turn off Fox News and OAN and start reading/listening to award winning journalism like Associated Press and Reuters. Facebook memes aren't news. Twitter isn't news. Learn to practice discernment. Learn to shift the bullshit from the truth, even if you don't like the truth. What’s the old saying? The truth shall set you free. However, you must first be willing to look at the truth and not flinch. Do you have the courage to do that?
I’m betting on
We're still here, baby!!
Tuesday, November 3, 2020
Why I Vote. Tuesday, Nov 3 , 2020 1:56 p.m
One June 10, 1963, President John F. Kennedy signed into law The Equal Pay Act of 1963. I was almost five months old.
On August 28, when I was one year and seven months old, The
March on
I was one year and ten months old when President Kennedy was
killed in
In 1967, when I was five-years-old,
President Johnson amended Executive Order 11246, which dealt with affirmative action, to include sex discrimination on the list of prohibited employment
On April 4, 1968 Rev Martin Luther King Jr. was
murdered in
On June 28, 1968 when police tried
to arrest gay patrons in New York City at the Stonewall Inn for simply being gay, the patrons rioted for three
In late summer 1968 I came to
On November 22, 1971 when I was nine-years-old, the Supreme
Court case Reed v. Reed declared
sex discrimination a violation of the 14th Amendment.
When I was ten-years old in
1972, the senate approved the Equal Rights Amendment and it was sent to the states
for ratification (to this day, it has not passed). That same year, the American
Psychiatric Association finally agreed to remove homosexuality from its list of
mental disorders.
In 1973 the Supreme Court ruled
on Roe Vs Wade, giving women, for the first time, the legal right to reproductive
choice. I was eleven-years-old.
I was a senior in high school on
October 14, 1979, when 75,000 people descended on
In 1980, the year I graduated
high school, Paula Hawkins
When I was nineteen-years-old in 1981, the first woman Supreme Court Justice was confirmed.
On June 26, 2015, when I was fifty-three years old, the United States Supreme Court ruled same sex marriage legal in all 50 states.
In 2017 when I was fifty-five-years-old, thousands of immigrant children, including infants, were separated from their
parents by our government. To date, over 500 children have not been reunited with
their families.
I was fifty-eight-years-old when George Floyd and Breonna Taylor were murdered by law enforcement officers.
I was fifty-eight-years-old when 231,477 Americans had been reported dead from Covid-19, a virus that our leadership failed to address.
I vote so that we might protect the rights that women, blacks, and the LGBTQ community have fought so hard to obtain.
I vote for all Americans no matter
the race, creed, age, sexual orientation, sexual identity, or religion.
I vote so that all Americans will
have equal protection under the law.
I vote on the right side of history.
I vote for unity and not division.
I vote for social justice.
I vote so that all Americans might
have healthcare.
I vote so that education is equally
funded for every child.
I vote Joe Biden because our
country will not survive another four years of Donald J. Trump. We are standing
on the precipice. This is our moment.
See you on the other side.